If you're a frequenter visitor to YouTube, I'm sure you've asked yourself: "Is there a way I can download this video?" Well there have always been work-arounds and/or tools to let you extract embedded videos on websites, but now YouTube is planning allowing you to download the videos directly from their website.
President-elect Barack Obama's ChangeDotGov YouTube Channel now has a "click to download" link right below the play button. Apparently this is a feature YouTube has been testing out, and considering that Obama's channel has over 32k subscribers, it makes sense for YouTube to test something like this on one of the biggest subscribed channels they have.
Whether or not a user will be able to set download permissions for the content they upload to YouTube is unknown, most likely when it's rolled out, you'll have an option to enable/disable the download whenever you upload it.
It's uncertain when YouTube will be rolling this feature to all videos, but one things for sure, it's definately something that alot of people have requested.