I recently tried to upgrade my phone to the Blackberry 8330. I went to the Sprint store and logged in and went straight the phone I knew I wanted. It showed I would receive the full discount and rebate.
Click upgrade phone! Select the phone!......aaaaaand oh dear, you do not have a compatible plan. Damn, having issues. Off to call Sprint to make sure if I upgrade my plan I could then buy the phone. Alternatively, perhaps I could have the Sprint CSR upgrade the plan and order the phone at the same time!? GREAT IDEA!!
Ok, things just started going wrong at this point. They said I didn't have my phone long enough to get the discount and wanted me to pay $500+ for the phone; despite my request to have the extended contract to get the phone. What the CSR said and what the website said were 100% different. This last hours between 3 CSR's and online chat help.
The website would let me get the phone at the discount if I had the right plan, but the CSR says I need to buy a second line or I don't have the existing phone long enough to upgrade at a discount. If I could safely take the risk of upgrading the plan myself, I might be able to get the phone. I've given up for the moment and I am seeking a Blackberry 8330 on Ebay. *sigh*