- Anime (no I'm NOT an Anime nut)
- Video Sites
- YouTube (duh)
- Break.com (you may end up dumber visiting this website)
- Ebaumsworld.com
- LiveLeak.com - (Some of their content isn't for the weak)
- Your Daily Media
- Nothing Toxic - (NSFW in some cases)
- GameTrailers
- Leo Laporte (Tech Guy)
- Twit.tv (This Week In Tech)
- TwitLive.tv
- TechGuyLabs.com
- Leoville.com
- Leo Laporte's Blog
- The Giz Wiz
- Gibson Research Corporation (GRC)
- Websites where you can get cool stuff ( I won't provide any help in obtaining the cool stuff... It's up to you to figure that out)
- IsoHunt.com
- The Pirate Bay
- Torrent Leech (don't ask me for invites)
- Torrent Portal
- Underground Gamer
- Mininova
- Easy News (requires a monthly subscription)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Links of Interest
Perhaps you're wondering what sites do I frequently visit when I'm on the internet? We'll I thought it'd be cool to give a shoutout to all the sites listed below. I've broken them down by category.